Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blacktop Squadron.........

Blacktop Squadron is something iv'e been trying to get off the ground for sometime now.

it basically is (and will be) made up of friends who have a passion for motorcycles.
it's all about helping each other out and hanging out. i guess you could call it a loosely based "club"
more or less. it is not a 3 piece patch club or anything like that. probably end up being just a "shirt" club.
in a world where there are so many clubs,it's hard to keep one in contact. that is why this will be a pretty tight group. meaning there isn't going to be 50 members. probably not even more than 15 to tell you the truth.
it's open to HD's,Brit bikes,jappers. bobbers, choppers, cafe's, baggers etc.

hopefully more of the people i know will take interest in this.
we'll see.

i don't know dick about blog's, so bare with me.
i created this to talk about bikes and "how-to" work on them, tech tips.
i am far from knowing everything, but hopefully i can link this to other's that i know and we can all share idea's and creativity with eachother,without being heckled and whatnot.
any advice about how to do things with a blog, please tell me.

Be sure to check out my brudda from unuda mudda's blog link. pinstriping by Doc. it's good stuff.

Chico BTS.


Doc said...

Doc BTS SFV...

By Hand and By Brain said...

what BTS in SB??
'ride it, then kill it"