Monday, June 30, 2008

The New Ride!!!!!! Super Stoked!

Man! i am so stoked on this!
1962 ford econoline shorty van! driver. But it does need a muffler,brake pads,and a new battery.
It's got a few little dent's,but who care's! Already thinkin about paint.hhmmmm.


By Hand and By Brain said...

WHAT?!! nice one man...dont even want to know how much you stole that for...LOL!

Doc said...

Paint it satin black. You already have red rims...

Rust tough is cheap and they make some cool colors, Hunter Green and Satin Black look good together. Really, I'm not pulling yer shit.

billyd said...

Those sailors in Bummertown better watch out! Chico's prowling in a rape wagon with a pocket full of a roofies