Friday, October 16, 2009


we are your new neighbors.
we decided to drop by and scare the shit out of you for a second.
anyways,welcome to the community.
take care.

click on photo


luke said...

holy shit!!!!! is that actually in your place?? front door?? you need to invest in a 22. and a silencer.

MUERTE H.C. said...

but No... you couldn't listen to the neighbors and stop feeding the stray... now get me one of those tails I have an antenna that needs one..

Rivet said...

They almost look like a pack of ninja assassins ready to strike. Thats scary.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

HA!! damn, a whole army of them tough lil critters. We had one in our shed the other night. It's the first Racooon I have EVER seen in Phoenix, AZ.