this has been going on for months.....
there is this crow in my hood that has it out for me.
every time i am on the phone on the porch,this little bastard has the nerve to fly out of nowhere and land a couple feet away from me and SCREAM at me.
seriously...to the point i can't even hear the person on the phone with me.
every F****N TIME.
then i go inside and he'll fly up to the window and keep doing it.
i'm going to try and set a trap for this smart ass bird.
i have to shut the blinds when the phone rings so he doesn't see me talking.
i feel like a prisoner in my own house.
rant over.
Crows are actually messengers from beyond telling of good fortune or money that you'll be coming into.
so quit fighting it and listen the crow man
keep your head up, they have a short life span. hows the build going? I never heard if you came down, hope things are going well chico.
ROGER!!!!! how goes it man?!!
long time no talk!
hope your doing well man.
drop me an email
how refreshing chico. posts. hahahahahaha.
I got a guy who can take care of that for you..... Just leave some MC parts in a plain paper sack on your pouch and the crow shall be no more.....
chico has a pouch? marsupial?
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